Facebook Starts Fact-Checking Photos And Videos


Fact-Checking Photos/Videos:

A few days ago Facebook said it had started “fact-checking” photos and videos. To decrease the hoaxes and fake news stories that have to annoy the world’s biggest social media network. The company has for months suffered an uproar among people’s whose objections range from the expansion of false news. To the use of the network to manipulate selection and the collection of fifty million users Facebook information by the political consultancy Cambridge analytic.

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Manipulated videos and pictures are another increasing problems on the social network. Tessa Lyons is a product manager at Facebook. He said about fact-checking in a briefing with reporters. He said, “The fact-checking started on Wednesday in France with help from the news organization AFP and will soon spread to more countries and partners.” Tessa Lyons did not tell what standards the company. Or AFP would use to judge pictures and videos, or how much a picture could be edited or doctored before it is ruled false. The project is part of “efforts to fight fake news around elections,” she said.

Mark Zuckerberg:

A spokesperson for AFP could not instantly be reached for comment. The company has tried other ways to stem the expanse of false news. It has used third-party fact-checkers to recognize them. And then given such stories less prominence in the Facebook News Feed when user share links to them. In January, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said The company would prioritize “true” news by applying member surveys to recognize high-quality outlets.

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Alex Stamos is a chief security officer at Facebook. He said in the briefing that Facebook was worried not just about fake facts but also different kinds of fakery. He also said the company wanted to decrease “false audiences,” which he explained as using “tricks” to artificially increase the perception of help for a particular message, as well as “fake narratives,” such as headlines and language that “exploit disagreements.”