Engaging Storytelling with Instant Articles


Facebook recently updated our Instant Articles e-learning course. It will help you understand how to expand your audience with Instant Articles, enhance your storytelling, monetize using Audience Network and other ad supplies, and how to get set up and start publishing content.

This course will help you understand how to:

  • Expand your audience with Facebook Instant Articles
  • Enhance your storytelling
  • Monetize through Audience Network and other ad supplies
  • Complete all required set up steps and get started publishing content


Course Outline:

  • Introduction
  • Creative Tools
  • Publish Instant Articles: Step by Step
  • Call-to-Action Units
  • Monetization and Measurement
  • Policies, Guidelines, and Resources
  • Success Stories
  • Review and Knowledge Check


Get to know the basics of Instant Articles: What they are, how they work, and how they can help publishers reach more people.

Creative Tools:

Elevate your storytelling and publish content that looks great, loads fast, and is optimized for both publisher needs and the reader experience.

Publish Instant Articles:

Here we’ll walk you through the steps to get up and running publishing Instant Articles.

Call-to-Action Units:

Monetization and Measurement:

Explore Instant Articles solutions for direct sale, Audience Network, and branded content, and learn how to access metrics about your articles.

Policies, Guidelines, and Resources:

Learn about policies, guidelines, and resources so everyone on your team — developers, sales, creative and editorial — has what they need to start distributing and monetizing your content in Instant Articles.

Success Stories:

See how publishers around the world are using Instant Articles to uplevel their storytelling and deliver business results.

In total Only 38 Minute This you’ll understand the New Facebook Blueprint 

Here is the link you can start the Facebook Free Storytelling with Instant Articles Course
