Home Will Be Made In ‘3D’ Printer


It is a hot news. The 3D printer is a more interesting thing to us. Today We explain about the 3D printer.

3D Printer

Basically, there is no place for a large number of people to head home due to the cost of construction of houses, housing costs or technical problems. One billion people of the world’s population go to sleep under the open sky every day. The United States company has come up with a technology that will provide affordable housing and in very few places.

It takes only two days to build a 380-square-foot house. And the cost is not too much, 10 thousand dollars. In a short time, they found the way to utilize the 3D printing technology to build the perfect and aesthetic model home.

In order to ensure the housing for all the people in the developing world, they want to utilize this project. Construction company icon and nonprofit company New Story jointly implement the dream of 380 square feet home. The homeowner does not worry about the safety side of the house. This technology has created keeping in mind these issues.

Speaking about the construction of the house in 3D printing, the two companies have advised that the walls and roofs of this house will make as they are printed on the small machines of the small printing machine. The difference will be to use a different type of material in concrete instead of just creating a house through 3D printers. Icon’s chief executive said, with the help of this machine, we can print the maximum height of 11 feet height.

3D printing House

At present, for the 380 sqft house. It estimates cost 10 thousand dollars, but the two companies expect the cost of this house to reduced to 650 if the cost will be relatively low. Their hope is that in the next few years, they will be able to build houses for less than the people.

Till the end of this year, El Salvador has planned to construct 100 homes. Brett Hagler, co-founder and chief executive of New Story, said that if everything is planned in El Salvador, then it will make a breakthrough in the home construction industry. If you can apply this technology, it can be possible to build houses quickly for the disaster-prone areas.