YouTube Shooter Angry Over Video Postings


Suspected Woman:

The dubious in a gun attack at YouTube‘s HQ. In California had disclosed annoyance over its treatment of her video postings media reports say. Police have named Nasim Aghdam, 39, as the dubious but say they are still investigating an intention. US media say Aghdam was an annoyance that YouTube was filtering her videos and decrease the money she could commit. Police in San Bruno, California, says there is no proof yet that the attacker knew the victims, and two women aged 27 and 32.

Hospital officials have said the two women, are in a serious and legitimate condition. A fourth person damage suffered a smirch or broken ankle. Aghdam was an annoyance at YouTube because of they are stop paying her for videos she posted on the stage. Her father told the Bay Area News Group. People who post on YouTube can accept money from advertisements that accompany their videos. But the company “de-monetizes” some channels for reasons including unsuitable material or having little than 1,000 subscribers. YouTube had stopped all and then she was an annoyance.

Ismail Aghdam:

Ismail Aghdam said he indicated his daughter absence on Monday after she did not answer her call for two days. He said the family received a phone from Mountain scene police around 2 am on Tuesday saying they got Nasim sleeping in a car. He said he carefully them she might be headed to YouTube cause she hated the company.

Our family is in great shock and cannot make the feeling of what has happened yesterday, said Aghdam’s father. A description issued on behalf of the family. Although no words can explain our profound pain for this tragedy. Our family would like to publish their utmost lamentation. An sorrow for what has happened to impeccable victims.

What Happened:

The suspicious is reported to have approached an outdoor dining and patio area at the offices in San Bruno, near San Francisco, at about noon on Tuesday and start a fire with a handgun. San Bruno Police Chief Ed Barberini said officers attendant at the offices at 12:48 (19:48 GMT) local time to get a “chaotic scene”, with much people escaping. Photos broadcasting on native TV stations displayed employees leaving with their hands moved.

Other footage displays evacuees construction a queue before being apiece frisk by police. Police said officers had “encountered one hunting with a discernible gunshot wound at the site and two extra gunshot victims that had fled to a neighboring business.


Inwardly the complex, officers then got a woman dead from a gunshot hurt that believes to be self-inflict. There had been before media reports that the man shot was Aghdam’s boyfriend. But police later said At this moment there is no proof that the shooter knew. The discernible of this shooting or that individuals specifically target.