How To Keep An Eye On Your Kids From Social Media Accounts


Eye on Your Kids Social Media Accounts:

The Internet is accessible with smartphones and other devices finding their way into younger hands. While this accessibility provides benefits, threats, and dangers. More than 65% of kids have visited an inappropriate website accidentally. As a parent, you should protect your kid from the inappropriate website. 92% of teenagers(age 13 to 17) report going online daily. 24% say they go online “almost constantly”

Digital World Hub

Some important points:

  • 30% have a basic phone.
  • Only 12% of teens say they have no cell phone of any type.
  • 91% of teens go online from mobile devices at least occasionally.
  • Among teens that go online from mobile devices, 94% go online daily.
  • More than 65% of kids have visit inappropriate site.
  • More than 25% of kids have been cyberbullied.
  • Only 10% of these incidences were reported to parents.

Digital World Hub

Kids Social media behavior:

  • Teenagers age 13 to 17 use facebook.
  • 71% teenagers use Facebook.
  • 52% teenagers use Instagram.
  • 41% teenagers use Snapchat.
  • 33% teenagers use Twitter.
  • 22% teenagers log onto social media more than 9 times in a day.
  • 12% teens say they witnessed unpleasant behavior frequently on social media.
  • 67% teenagers say that they know how to hide what they do online from their parents.

Tips to monitor your kids:

  • Keep your computer in a central location. Locate the family computer in a high traffic zone, like the kitchen.
  • allow cell phone usage at certain hours.
  • No one under the age of 13 is permitted to join Facebook, though it is not enforceable by facebook.
  • set your own house rules and make sure kids abide by them
  • check the privacy settings of each social media and set them to private