LinkedIn Updates: Now You Can Send Emoji And GIFs



If you are one of the 300 million people who use LinkedIn, you may have noticed its messaging feature require an update. Obviously, LinkedIn thought so, too. The social network is slowly rolling out an update starting Tuesday morning to iOS. Android and web that incorporates a slew of latest features offered by other services like including chat threads, Facebook Messenger, and the power to add GIFs and emoji to messages.

Desktop Updates:

Visually, the desktop update remains minimal and clean, but advantages from a new pane on the left side of the screen now that more nearly resembles Messenger. Selecting an exceptional chat in that pane opens up the conversation to the right. Where you can watch the last several lines of conversation, write new messages, attach images and documents, as well as include stickers, GIFs and emoji some make by LinkedIn and others politeness of partners such as Riffsy.

Mobile Messaging Update:

On mobile, the messaging update was slightly tweaked to well fit the smaller screen. Tapping the messages icon on the home screen of the app brings you to a single pane where you can also glance snippets of various conversations. Tap on an exceptional conversation, and you are shuttled to another screen. An occupied completely by your conversation, with the last few lines of the chat visible.

For LinkedIn, the update a more-require one as the messaging wars heat up. Although LinkedIn reported a well second quarter this August, messaging on the social network has long trailed backward the richer expertises of familiar services like Messenger. Which meantime serves up some of the features in LinkedIn’s new update. And it also follows updates from Twitter over the past few months, in which the social network beefed up straight messaging with group chat thread and more currently dropped the 140-character limit for straight messages.


What’s less clear is whether many of LinkedIn’s users will go GIF and emoji. With Messenger, users repeatedly chat with friends and family. And also the conversations are perhaps to be perhaps casual. On LinkedIn, folks generally chat up others like a recruiter, an expected boss, or journalistic source. And more professional reasons more formal discussions that probably don’t call for, well, GIFs and emoji.