Indonesia Blocks Online-Blogging Site Tumblr Over Porn


Indonesia Blocks Tumblr:

Indonesia has blocked Tumblr for dirty and pornographic content. Tumblr is an online blogging service. The Indonesian government announces Tuesday, in Jakarta’s latest crackdown on obscenity.

The government of the universe most populated Muslim-majority nation blocked online blogging service Tumblr on Monday. Saying the New York-based company does not answer to its February letter requiring that pornographic content is clean from the online within 48 hours.

However, the ministry of technology and information said it had received various reports about pornographic content on the blogging and social media site. Which has about four hundred million blogs on its service worldwide.

Ministry spokesman Noor Iza told AFP that later examining. They got at least three hundred plus Tumblr profile contained obscene/dirty content. Tumblr can not instantly reach for comment. Jakarta in 2016 warned to block Tumblr’s online blogging service in the country of two hundred plus million but did not follow through on the threat.

The ministry on Tuesday announced Tumblr would be available again once the Tumblr complied with the government’s rule. Indonesia government made a strong anti-pornography law in 2008 that criminalizes any act deemed pornographic. It blocked favorite video-sharing site Vimeo in 2014 after deleting it from hosting obscene content.

However, previous November the Indonesian government warned to block social media. Facebook and messaging application WhatsApp unless the platforms delete pornographic or dirty Graphics Interchange Format element from their duties. In 2018 Google pulled Blued, one of the globe’s biggest gay dating apps, from the Indonesian version of its online store in response to government orders. For the latest technology news, sports news and more updates visit our website.