Snapchat New Features Is Group Chat Video



Snapchat announces various new features this week, including the power to make group video calls and a Mentions feature that consents users to tag friends in snaps uploaded onto Stories. Mentions were first gossip previous month. Group Video Calls function about the pathway you’d hope. When you are part of a group, you tap the video icon to start a video call. Each and everyone in the group will find a notification telling them the call has started. They can further opt to join in voice only. And they have the like of joining or not.

Snapchat May Risk Connecting Apps | Digital World Hub

Two New Features:

There are only 16 people can join a group video call with cameras on, an engrossing number comparable with Google Hangout’s 10 and Messenger’s 6. The number goes up to 32 if any of your friends are intending to go voice only. As is current with Snapchat. You can use Lenses to during the call to send yourself dog faces. Users can now also Mention their friends in their Snaps. To do so, use the conventional @, then type out their username. The friend will be notified if they have been tagged.

If strange Story spectators want to know much about the person tagged. They can swipe up and see that user’s Story. Together with those features go a deep pathway unto closing the gap between Snapchat and much social-oriented apps like Facebook and religiosity knows now is the time to look for a social media app that is not Facebook. Group video calls and Mentions will be revolving out to everybody over the next several weeks.


As we have familiar before, Facebook-owned Instagram has longer sharpen features from Snapchat. Including lifting its stories feature. Which plays videos and images that previous for 24 hours. That is probably to continue, given that current resolution of Instagram’s code has also pointed to probably video and voice calling features from within the software.

Over the last few months, Snapchat has added a mountain of new features in a bid to attract more users including Map Explore; deluxe Bitmoji customization; Giphy integration and custom face lenses. Snap says the latest tagging features and video group call will outcry out worldwide over the subsequent week.