Tianjin Binhai Library In China

A library is most important for a Nation. Today we show the most beautiful library in the world.


A library is the symbol of knowledge. And to promote this knowledge, the Tianjin Binhai community of China has built an attractive Tianjin Binhai Library. Education is always the first priority in China. And now they have built a wonderful library. Through this three years ago the plan completed. The library inaugurated in October. Visitors’ arrival and their laundering library have already made a special place.

Tianjin Binhai Library

The eye-shaped atrium space of the library is designed to be a “new urban living room,” says Dutch architect firm MVRDV, which devised it alongside Tianjin’s Urban Planning Design Institute.

“The eye is a recognizable feature of the design visible from inside and outside but also a fully functioning atrium with a capacity of 110,” an MVRDV spokesperson tells CNN. The curvy contours surrounding the auditorium house bookshelves. There’s a “book mountain” that also acts as stairs and seating.
“We want to develop new typologies for all our cultural projects, a place that inspires users and also promotes and celebrates — in this case — reading,” says MVRDV’s spokesperson.


The building, designed by the Dutch architectural firm MVRDV, is an impressive 36,000 square feet and five stories high, with the capacity to fit over a million books in its collection. As of yet, it only stores about 200,000 volumes, housed in the library’s more traditional reading rooms. The bookshelves closer to the ceiling are now inaccessible and replaced by perforated aluminum plates instead. Visitors have also complained about the lack of actual books in the atrium.


Most of the shelves in the atrium plastered with images of the book. Visitors have to head to the more traditional sections of the library for the real thing.There is good news for bookmakers. The library has 1.2 million books. He has decorated with a book like a pebble on every floor like a mountain. Most of the books are arrange and stories


The library received about 10,000 visitors per day. It has welcomed up to 18,000 visitors on some weekends.The library advises that readers under the age of 14. Those who wear heels and those who aren’t fit for hiking should avoid the book mountain.


Collection of novels. This is one of the world’s most famous libraries. It located 115 kilometers north of Beijing city of China, in the town of Binhai. This modern and beautiful library believed to bring a new tide in China’s tourism industry.