The Pentagon Is Getting Serious About AI Weapons


Mike Griffin:

Aerospace engineer Mike Griffin says he is taking the threat of drone gaggles including those that could be driven by AI seriously. So is his employer, the US section of Defense, as are top officials in the US Air Force. The threat is no longer theoretical. During an April 9th Washington, DC conference on the future of battle sponsored by the nonprofit think tank Griffin, New America, a former space program director. A noted that a short gaggle of drones in January attacked a Russian air base in Syria.

Weapons Methods:

Surely, human-directed weapons methods can deal with one or two or a few drones if they watch them coming. But can they deal with 103? Griffin asked. If they can deal with 103, which I suspect, can they deal with 1,000? Griffin’s comments came during a conversation about how to cope with drones and other armings being outfitted with AI. in which he disputed for more earnest efforts on both invective and defensive armings. In an advanced society, he said, AI and cyber and similar of these other latest realms offer probability to our adversaries to target others successfully, and we must watch to it that we cannot be amazed.

He called for the much serious task by the Pentagon, saying, There might be an AI arms race. But we are not yet in it. America’s adversaries, he said, understand very well the probable suitable of machine learning. I think it is time we did as good. The invective side of drone technology is further along than the defensive side especially when gaggles are at issue. There is no verifiable, optimal scheme for defending against such gaggles, Griffin said. So, the Pentagon might, as a result, have to make only an excellent well scheme. Otherwise, the opponent will have an uncontested shot at following.


Wilson suggested he, too, is an AI enthusiast. I think it’s running to take whole of us working both across academia, across the sections, across the industry, across whole the national labs. And also bringing them both in this opposition with AI because that’s, in fact, what China’s doing. Tate Nurkin, a defense and security analyst with IHS Aerospace, a London-based financial experiment firm. And also sounded an alarm at the conference about China’s large state-run AI experiment program.

He said that China’s advancement in AI could fundamentally change the struggle with the U.S. And also mentioned a gaggle of 1,180 drones that the Chinese company EHang displayed off in December at the Global Fortune Forum in Guangzhou.