Google Home Works By Your Command


Google is open on the I\O conference, a new device call ‘Google Home’, which will work on hearing the user.

Google Home

Earlier, Amazon came with a smart speaker technology called ‘Amazon Echo’. Although Google has not a competitor for so long, Google has come out with ‘Google Home’. According to the technology website The Verge, Engadget and Senate.

It Works

The Google Home Project chief and Google Product Manager Vice President Mario Queiroz introduced everyone at the I / O conference with Google Home.

Google Home has a speaker, which can play songs and videos streaming from the cloud and other portals. And for that you have to say only a word, a song or a video is playing. And if there is a list of songs that have kept in advance, then only those lists will begin to play the songs Google Home

Answer Any Question

Google Home will answer your various questions, as well as work your way. What is the condition of road traffic, whether there is a special job today or today is a special day or if you ask for it in the morning, you will remind that Google Home?

Google home can keep anywhere in the house. Wireless This device is also connected to other room rooms. It will also connect to a TV or phone. So if you want to make a TV on TV or play a video on YouTube, it will only work for Google Home.

wireless Connection

It can also add to other home speakers or televisions through Google Home. And the whole thing will work through the voice of the user.

Google Home will be connected to other devices and the Internet through the Wi-Fi connection. So if you want to know from the news updates or the weather news or any information from Google Home.

This device can also be used to ignite or dislodge the LED’s LED lights. It will be connected with all the speakers in the house.