WPA3- The New Wi-Fi Security


In the Last year of October, The world affects by a bug name as KRACK (Key Re-installation Attacks), that exploits the WPA2 security protocol. WPA2 was completely secure when compared to the WPA and WEP. The attack forced the researchers to find a new security standard that should be more secure than WPA2. Then, finally, this year alliance introduced a new Wi-Fi security standard that name is WPA3.

What Is WPA3?

Before exploring WPA3 we have to understand what exactly is WPA. WPA is the incomer for WEP (Wired Equal Privacy) that became moldy for some serious security flaws. WPA brief as Wi-Fi Protected Access is a security protocol developed by Wi-Fi Alliance to secure wireless. The number of 2 or 3 is the version number of WPA.

When we connect Wi-Fi network with using our password, WPA2 connect and communicate with each other via handshake method. When we compare WPA2, WPA1 or WPA then we will find that WPA2 uses more encryption. That can’t be easy to crack. WPA3 is an upgrade version of WPA2 which uses more robust security.

How Is WPA3 Better than WPA2?

WPA3 standard comes with better and more secure approach when compared to its predecessor WPA2.  WPA3 adds new 4 main features to strengthen security and privacy over Wi-Fi.

Focus On Security On Open Wi-Fi Networks:

If we talk about public Wi-Fi then the data shared over it is never secure. A good example of these open Wi-Fi networks is the one you find at airports. The data sent or received over these type of network is not completely encrypted and it can be snoop over by an attacker.

Alliance has taken care of this flaw and has attempted to resolve it in WPA3 by using individualized data encryption. Now, when you join a public Wi-Fi network, the data which you send/receive will encrypt and making public Wi-Fi more private and secure. In this way, the user will be more secure while they send any sensitive information on these open Wi-Fi networks.

Providing Security to the Devices Without Displays

With the motion of technology is evolving,  soon all devices will interconnect via the Internet. Some common examples are Google Home and Amazon can operate even without physically present. These devices do not have display screens, so they are connect via app where you have to enter the password to connect that device to a Wi-Fi network.