Trips App: Instagram Meets Google Photos


Travel Guidebooks:

Lonely Planet well-known for its travel guidebooks is stepping out into the social kingdom. Its latest app, Trips, wants to help you share your travel wisdom with colleague travelers. While being stimulated by trips other people take. Basically, it wants users to make their own guides for each other. And also help foster a community in the method.

Facebook Album:

It is not so much a social network in the traditionary sense, but rather a curated pathway to current your travels. Sure, you could make a Facebook album for everybody to watch, but it’d be interred amongst thousands of other pieces of satisfied. Or like millions of others, you could put your vacation images up on Instagram, and make use of its album feature for a slightly-more curated realize. The lack of simple navigation still insists with Instagram although, undercutting the expertise.

Neither will give you what Trips try to offer. The Lonely Planet app makes a chronological feed out of your vacation videos and images, fraught with headers, location tags, text, captions, and maps. Think of it as Instagram meets Google Images albums, though minus sign the former’s size, and the latter’s AI-smarts.

At first start, Trips will recommend you to follow a cluster of colleague travelers, curated by Lonely Planet itself. After, you can add your friends, or select from another unknown person, whose holidays application to your liking. Your home page will then be populated by trip cards, the whole of which is a virtual scrapbook in themselves.

Though Trips allows you to visibility your well, trips, on a desktop. You cannot create any changes or make new ones from the browser. In fact, you cannot even view anyone’s profile on a computer. By contradict, Google images is a full-fledged expertise on both mobile and desktop. Plus, images’ map widget below. Which makes two points and a dotted line to signify travel is a lovely touch that helps notice your journey.


In itself, Trip is a fantastic pathway to browse through vacation ideas, glean some tips, and offer your own expertise. It is a digital magazine that’s incessantly updated, but it does not do anything more that. You cannot edit your photos inside the app, and you cannot leave comments on trips makes by people you know.