The Dash Can Be Played Song Even Underwater


‘The Dash’ will change the experience of headphones Wireless headphones are nothing new for music lovers. But the technology company Bradie is coming out with a smart headphone, which will really change everyone’s headphones-experience in one go. The name of the new smart headphones, the Wireless Dash There are so many things to surprise everyone that these headphones.

New Smart Headphone

The earliest use of headphones is listening to music. In that case, ‘The Dash’ will give you uninterrupted songs and promises of trouble-free use. This headphone has 4 GB of storage so that thousands of songs can be easily managed. Not only this, any kind of headphones can also listen to music through online streaming. There is no need for your smartphone, tab or computer for this. But yes, they have the advantage of listening to music.

Optical Touch

You can arrange to listen to or listen to favorite songs through optical tweaks outside the headphones. This headphone has two special earrings for two ears, which can change your music listening experience. Along with that, your heartbeat, body condition, and the walk-and-run race will keep everything as it effortlessly. Not only this, these headphones capable of working to give you advice as per your hard work.

Headphones Down The Water

Not just these, surprises are many more. You can listen to music even during swimming. You can listen to this earphone by listening to this headphone; Water will not enter the ears, and the song will be like a song! You can stop the external noise if you want it, and keep it open if you want it. All you want!

Have To Waunderwater, headphone, The Dash, Under, Water

But wait for this ‘dash’ to wait. The reason is that the producers have not said anything open when it will be released in the market for commercial sale or its price or how much it will be. Smart headphones are working to increase their capabilities.