Google Tested Bulletin App For Hyperlocal News


Bulletin App:

Google experiments in local news with an app called Bulletin. The Bulletin app displays hyperlocal news. This app design for hyperlocal stories. The application helps in making and publishing news about your neighborhood. Journalists and local people build a story around an event using text, videos and more on this app.

The app is available only some select cities. Users can post images, and more from their phones by the Bulletin app on the easy way. No setup needed to posting something in this app. Anyone can access all post or news through Google Search. App users or anyone can share news on social media like facebook, twitter and more or send in emails.

Android and iOS users can install this app from their authorized app store like google play. Google says, Bulletin makes it effortless to put a spotlight on inspiring stories. In few year ago Google announced a ‘local’ news feature. That feature will help to find users local news by inputting their city name or zip code. This app is a great initiative and it helps local reporters to publish news. The Bulletin app has limited access in few countries like Nashville and in Oakland.