World Most Expensive Phones in 2017


iPhone 5 Black Diamond

Price: – £10 million

This phone is world most expensive phone. This phone is Design by a British Designer. The phone is made of solid gold dotted with 600 solid white diamonds. The home button replaced by a single 26-carat black diamond and the apple logo on the back is made up of 53 small diamonds.
You probably want to know the owner name. The owner an unnamed Chinese businessman.

Diamond Rose iPhone 4 32GB

Price: – $8 million

The creator of this phone is Stuart Hughes. This phone’s bezel made of rose and 500 individual flawless diamonds. The back is rose gold. The Apple logo made with 53 additional diamonds. The navigation button is platinum with single cut 7.4ct pink or rare 8ct Flawless diamonds in the center.


Phone 4s Elite Gold

Price: -£6 million

One of the most expensive phone and the designer name is Stuart Hughes. Yes, he holds his record.
This phone made with 500 flawless diamonds and the apple logo made of 24-carat gold. The chest made of solid platinum. This phone use Tyrannosaurus Rex bone. This means the phone made from Dinosaur. Dinosaurs bones are most expensive materials.


Supreme Gold striker iPhone 3G 32GB

 Price: – $ 3,200,000

The iPhone 3GS Supreme casing made from 271 grams of solid 22k gold and screen trimmed with 53 1-carat diamonds. The Notification button covered with a single rare 7.1-carat diamond.

iPhone 3G King’s Button

Price: – $2.4 million

The jeweler from Austria Peter Aloisson is the creator of this iPhone 3G King’s Button phone. This phone created with 138 diamonds. And the home button made with 6.6 carats single white gorgeous diamond.