Some Effective Ways To Keep WordPress Sites Free Of Spam



WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. It can be used in various online courts from blog sites to static websites. Currently, around 18.9% of the internet is running in WordPress. And its download count exceeded 46 million. At this moment, the 3.6 ‘Oscars Peterson’ version is open.

Hackers Are Behind WordPress

Because of this popularity of WordPress, there is some risk to it. Since so many users are using WordPress, so there is no lack of prey to attack this platform. The hackers have been behind WordPress. But if you take a closer look at regular updates and security systems, then your WordPress site can keep risk-free.

Our today’s post will talk about spamming. Spamming usually refers to many unwanted/fake email messages, but a simple definition is given. In simple words, spamming is an unwanted program that can be used for the benefit of spammers (even for mental peace!) But causes other people’s annoyance or losses. The whole day, uploading photos on Facebook, tagging others is a kind of spamming.

Spam Contact Message

All types of websites have a section of “Contact” or “Contact Us” type. Some people keep contact form in it, where visitors can provide feedback with name, email address, message subject. If you do not take security steps, this contact form may be the spamming entrance. If you set up a contact form, then the CAPTCHA verification system can be kept. Because the automated system (bot) captcha is a bit hard to verify. But currently being spamming without a captcha. So if the captcha is finished sleeping with nose oil. Math captcha can trial if the image captcha does not work.

If it does not work then make arrangements through the plugins so that the email address block if the message is not correct. After all, the best of all, if a sender returns a visitor’s visit to a confirmation link and clicks on it, then the message is reaching to the site admin. What? Feeling difficult? For the sake of security, people do not do anything. And you can not do this for your favorite site?

Well, say another simple way. You do not have to use the form if you can not take proper anti-spamming of the contact form. Instead of giving customers an alternative email address, simply replace them with plain text or images. The person who needs him will just mail.

Spam Comment

Comment Spamming is another horror name. But with a little bit of intelligence, you can prevent them. Comments on most WordPress blogs are kept open for everyone. In this case, posting comments can be posted by submitting an email address and name. But the process of spamming is more likely to increase in this process. That’s why you can take capture help as additional security.

Spam User Registration

WordPress site does not even know the name of spam user registration it can not be. Your blog may have noticed, sometimes the user registration with all the usernames and e-mail addresses are strange. The possibility of having your visitor in those countries where they may be visible may be less. These members are only on registration. Profile edited not edited. Spam registration on the site will start by taking such a variety of subscribers. You may think, “What is the harm if the member increases? They’re not looking for me anymore. “; But these members may become a threat to the security of your site. Even in some cases, they are capable of handling admin access.

If you do not know to code, then you will get many plugins for website. But some of them are quite complex. Some of these configurations may also ban your original visitors. Better WP Security, WordPress Security These plug-ins use some default IP Black List techniques. You can use them. But it’s not enough. It is possible to prevent some of the market’s captcha plugins. But today’s bots are capable of cracking the captcha!

As I have seen in my personal experience, the spammer bots usually register with the members by adding registration links directly to the site address. For example, if your site address is, then the WordPress address will be Bots are added to the domain by adding this additional part directly to the domain. Now your goal will be to change the default register URL. Also known as the “Hiding Backend”.

If you do not know to code, then you will get many plugins for website. But some of them are quite complex. Some of these configurations may also ban your original visitors. Better WP Security, WordPress Security These plug-ins use some default IP Black List techniques. You can use them. But it’s not enough. It is possible to prevent some of the market’s captcha plugins. But today’s bots are capable of cracking the captcha!

As I have seen in my personal experience, the spammer bots usually register with the members by adding registration links directly to the site address. For example, if your site address is, then the WordPress address will be Bots add to the domain by adding this additional part directly to the domain. Now your goal will be to change the default register URL. Also known as the “Hiding Backend”.

The backend can be hidden through the Better WP Security Plugin. However, one of the other plugins has an easy option for me. Spammers can now be stuck using ‘Total Security’ plugin ‘Hide’ wp-login.php “and” wp-admin “folder. In this case, first, you have to fix a “secret key”. After saving it, the default login, registration and password recovery URL of your site will be changed. As a result, the registration attempt at the old address by the bots will fail. And using a third-party commenting system is a good idea to keep the site registration option off.

Spam Article Posting

Spam articles are posted by your site’s members. I think the manual method is the most effective way to remove them. Firstly, if the poster’s account deleted, the poster’s account can suspend or an IP bank can arrange. And even if you can set special rules/filters through settings, coding or plugins, it is better.