Qualcomm Is Introducing Vision Intelligence Platform


New Line Of Chips:

Qualcomm announced a new line of chips that are custom-made for smart cameras. The new line is called the Vision Intelligence Stage. And also it’s meant to find AI features, absolute low-light photo stabilization, photo processing, and computer vision abilities within more cameras. And to do it good than a repurposed smartphone chip could.

Really Fantastic:

The chips are meant for fantastic much any camera that can make use of intense processing features sports 360-degree cameras, sports cameras, security cameras, and even robots say anything like a Roomba that requires navigating, into others. The chips support multiple video streams at lower resolutions, obstacle avoidance, WQHD displays, 4K video, 360-video stitching and the creation of video highlight reels for action cameras.

It’ll be up to hardware craftsmen who use these chips to take benefits of those features and indeed build them out. But Qualcomm’s main goal is to create it easier for hardware companies to implement them. And also to allow them to be implemented best than they could with another chip. Because there is devoted hardware for a lot of these features. Qualcomm says they’ll use up less power while performing well than they would if running on a more common intention chip.

Two Chips:

The first two chips in the line, the QCS603 and QCS605 no relation to the Snapdragon 600 series. But they planned for Wi-Fi cameras since neither has an LTE radio. The 603 supports 4K video and The 605 supports 4K video at 60 fps at 30 fps. This is not Qualcomm’s first try at offering chips for smart cameras. It’s done this in the previous, but it’s all time used repurposed. Snapdragon chips earlier one finished up in the Nest Cam IQ, for example. This is the first time Qualcomm has offered chips specially built for smart cameras. Although and that means future generations of these products could start to impress a bit faster.

Qualcomm has meantime begun sampling out the 605 chips to hardware partners. And hopes products using them to come out in the second half of the year.