Microsoft Now Offers Paid AI Courses


Artificial Intelligence:

Here is something every tech company agrees on the world requires many AI engineers. Microsoft is the latest firm to try to answer this market and this week. It establishes a new latest course on its tech accreditation plan known as the Microsoft Professional Program dedicated to AI (Artificial Intelligence).

The paid process has 10 modules, every taking between 8 and 16 hours to fully online. They casing a range of sub-disciplines, including data analysis, computer vision, natural language processing, and speech confession. Interestingly, there is also a morality course (a topic Microsoft is paying close care as it pivots to focus on AI) as good as a module on machine learning in Azure, the company’s cloud stage.


This is predictable. All the latest AI courses from large tech companies tend to double up as advertisements for their own products. But it is not a very bad thing. After all, these are the services AI engineers will probably finish up using. Google’s own Learn with Google AI hub (which launched this February) is accurately similar, with a focus on TensorFlow, the company’s Google Cloud, and AI framework.

Whatever, Google’s courses seem and gratis purposed much to solitary developers than professionals. Through compare, Microsoft’s latest AI program is much combined. They promise that individuals who fulfill the course will come far away with a resume-condign certificate. What accurately this will price you is not yet obvious. The Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science is cost at $990, so hopefully something to that extent.


Advertisements or not, it is surely better for tech companies to be shoving AI skills like this. Not just cause it provides engineers that plug a genius gap. But because of the much people engaged in the development of artificial intelligence, the best. This is a technology that is going to drastically features our lives in the years to come. So it is preferable if much of us study about AI.