Learn More About Popular Search Engine Bots


There are hundreds of web bots and crawlers scouring internet but we find top web crawler and bots in our collections.


Google bot is a web spider bot. Googlebot uses an algorithmic process, Computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how many pages fetch from each site. Googlebot crawl process starts with the list of webpage URL. Generated from previous crawl process and augmented with the webmaster. As Googlebot visit, each website detects their link and add to the pages of the crawl. New sites, changes to existing sites and detect dead link and used to update the Google index.


Baiduspider is the official name of Baidu web crawling spider. This is a Chinese search engine. Baidu is the leading Chinese search engine for websites, audio files, images and many other things. You have a website that doesn’t target the Chinese audience then you can use your baiduspider for your website. This is obeying robots.txt so some commands in robots.txt can help you out.

MSN Bot/Bingbot 

Bingbot is a web-crawling robot developed by Microsoft in 2010. It collects web documents to build a searchable index for the Bing. It performs same as Googlebot. A typical user agent string for Bingbot is Mozilla. This appears in the web server logs tell the webmaster who requests a file.

Yandex Bot

Yandex is a Russian multinational technology company. This company specializes in Internet-related services and products. This is Russian biggest technology company. Yandex operates the largest search engine in Russia. Yandex ranked as the fourth largest search engine in the worldwide. Every day 150 million searches as of April 2012 and 50.5 million visitors. The company’s mission Is to provide answer any questions users.

Soso Spider

Soso was a Chinese search engine owned by Tencent Holdings Limited. As if October 2012 soso was the 33rd most visited website in the world, no 8th most visited website in South Korea and 11th most visited website in China according to Alexa Internet. Now soso redirect to Sogou search.

Sogou Spider

Sogou Spider – Sogou.com is a Chinese search engine. It was launched August 4, 2004. As of April 2010, it has a rank of 121 in Alexa’s Internet rankings. Sogou provides an index of up to 10 billion web pages.

Google plus Share

Google Plus lets you share recommendations with friends, contacts and the rest of the web on Google search. The +1 button helps initialize Google’s instant share capabilities and it also provides a way to give something your public stamp of approval.

Facebook External Hit

Facebook allows its users to send links to interesting web content to other Facebook users. Part of how this works on the Facebook system involves the temporary display of certain images or details related to the web content, such as the title of the webpage or the embed tag of a video. The Facebook system retrieves this information only after a user provides a link.

Google Feedfetcher

Used by Google to grab RSS or Atom feeds when users choose to add them to their Google homepage or Google Reader. Feedfetcher collects and periodically refreshes these user-initiated feeds, but does not index them in Blog Search or Google’s other search services (feeds appear in the search results only if they’ve been crawled by Googlebot).