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There was never a shortage of people’s interest in history. Numerous books have written in the center of history, many films have made. Many TV series have aired. This aspect is getting more popular lately. Let’s take a show at the best seven story-based TV series and their historical facts.
Despite the presence of famous and influential characters such as Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavius, or Mark Antony, the Rome series has the story of the adventure of two Roman soldiers named Lucius Vorenius and Titus Pullo. According to one of its creators, “The series is not just a reflection of the history of our book, but also the mindset of how these characters helped to change history.”

It cost a lot to make. However, manufacturers have also received reimbursement of costs. It rewards for writing, managing, editing, and even visual effects. According to many, such successes in the Rome series have subsequently inspired the creation of a history-based TV series.
This is the case with Thom Das, the Thracian warrior, then the Roman gladiator, and finally Spartacus, who revolted against Rome. The main climax of the series is the heroism of Spartacus in the Third Carville War from 3 BCE to the 3rd BCE. Dramatic and fast-paced storylines have brought it a unique dimension, with visions of the warmest moments.
Although the producers claim it to be a historical fact, most of the scenes are very dramatic. The primary purpose, not the documentary, was entertainment. However, the violence is shown in the Violence, Sexuality, and Ruthless slaves represent ancient Rome itself.

The story first revolves around the life of a slave, the Thracian warrior, then a Roman gladiator, and finally Spartacus. Who has rebelled against Rome? The central climax of the series is the heroism of Spartacus in the Third Carville War from 3 BCE to the 3rd BCE. Dramatic and fast-paced storylines have brought it a unique dimension, with visions of the warmest moments.
Although the producers claim it to be a historical fact, most of the scenes have shown to be very dramatic. The primary purpose, not the documentary, was entertainment. However, the violence is shown in the Violence, Sexuality, and Ruthless slaves represent ancient Rome itself.
Vikings (2013-2019)
The story of the Vikings revolves around Ragnar Lothbrok, the hero of the Norse myth. Ragnar’s journey from a small farmer, then enlisting in the Vikings’ ranks and finally appearing as King of Scandinavia, is the essence of the Vikings. The next seasons of the series bring up the story of the Wagner boys’ adventure in England, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean.

While that may not be historically true, the Vikings’ flavors have tried to a modest extent, from the acting of the series to the construction of the set or the fabric of the story. The expeditions, plundering, and with it, the religion and family life of the Norse have been completely blown out.
The series was created by mixing many characters from the Norse myth, although in reality many did not exist; And even though some exist. Their chances of meeting each other are zero. The series made up of various characters from different ages of the Vikings.
Resurrection Ertugrul (2014-2019)
The Turkish TV series revolves around the life of Ertugrul Gazi, the father of the Ottoman Empire Sultan first Osman. The series was initially called ‘Dirilis: Ertugrul’. The main story of the series focuses on finding the Kai tribe of Etrugul Ghazi. And in doing so, Etrugul had to face off against the Knights Templar, Seljuk, and the Mongols. It has tried to show the Templars, Mongols, or Seljuks a little differently. Which not usually demonstrated in Western series.

Although Ertugrul was in reality, accurate historical information about him is rarely available without verbal anecdotes. And they the ones are shown in this series. Etrugul was the son of Sulaiman Shah, but no one is sure whether he was of the Kai tribe. The historical events depicted in it happened at that time. But the way the Byzantines, Mongols or Crusaders portray is not entirely accurate.