The Future Of Huawei Smartphone



Several companies in the United States, including Chinese tech giant Huawei, announced the annihilation of all business relationships. Someone is unknown to the news. Originally they are working on the suspicion of data trafficking, according to the urgent US government trump or the United States government. Now companies like Huawei or Google became therefore huge that it’s not simply a technology issue. It has become a significant economic and industrial issue.

Huawei Phone Customers?

Both Google and Huawei have already answered the answers to users’ queries concern. Although they answer these questions separately, the answer is one of the truth. That is, phones currently available in the hands and stores. Who is waiting for the factory will always get all the usual Android Security Patch updates and services like Google Play Protect. So don’t worry about the current Huawei flagships. It also expects that normal phones will get the same updates as usual.

Does Huawei Bring An Alternative To Android?

The company feared that there might be something like this. According to numerous tech media reports, Huawei has been working internally for its own Android OS different OS for the last six years.

But they did not elaborate on this. Google reserves the right to own Google, but it is part of Open Source. Anyone can create a new Android-based OS without Google’s permission. So if Huawei still wants to make Android OS based on the new open source OS, or add Google service to its EMUI, then it can be added to the phone without any help from Google. It assumes that if everything goes on like this, they will get the phone of the new OS within the coming year.

What Is The New OS Of Huawei?

Huawei’s hint is that the new OS will be based on Android open source, or the Linux kernel will be a whole new OS or a completely new kernel OS such as Windows or IOS is still uncertain. Now all the apps on the market are for Android or iOS. More OS within the market, developers don’t seem to be terribly interested in making apps. Because the market for Android and IOS is the most occupied market. So if Huawei brings a new OS, who can say that it does not suffer from app shortage?

According to reports, Huawei’s new OS Google service is not pre-installed but it will support all Android apps. That means it’ll be plenty like Shaoami or Huawei’s phone in China. It is not necessary to inform the common client the difficulties if Google doesn’t have the service. There are so many problems that Google Play and Google service apps will install manually on the phone, not get Google’s security updates.

Many people say Gmail, YouTube, Maps will not work on the phone due to Google’s ban. It understands that the time is right when the idea is wrong. Currently, Google Chrome apps like Gmail, YouTube and Chrome are all installed on Xhawmi Chinese Ram phones. Huawei’s future Android-based phone isn’t confirmed yet, whether it may be manually installed on Play Store. However, if Huawei gives the opportunity to unlock the bootloader then it may be possible to uninstall Google’s services on Google’s service phone if you wish to route the phone. So Huawei’s new OS is so smart, regardless of how much it will stand with android or IOS besides Google’s service.

Could This Restriction Be Relaxed?

Already know that the Trump Administration temporarily considering Huawei a restricted license of three months to continue business with the U.S. company. Although it is nothing permanent. This means that perhaps Huawei will eventually have to explore the option. But this is undoubtedly a bit of hope.

Trump further said he can add Huawei to China-US trade agreement in Beijing. He might also permit Huawei to work normal activities in exchange for a condition like ZTE company.

But the ban on Huawei as a result of Trump’s restrictions will harm by US companies as well. Huawei owned an oversized a part of the important patent to return in front of the 5G technology. Moreover, China will be powerful with the United States regarding Huawei. So it is possible that the restrictions may relax after a certain time for the pressure of US companies or for their own interests.

Should You Buy A Huawei Phone At This Time?

This is a difficult question, whose answer depends on your personal will. Despite this ban, Huawei continues to market their business in Bangladesh and advises customers not to disturb. Huawei is a huge company. So buying the phones in the market, you will not miss anything according to their words. Rather, you can get regular updates and services. And later, if Unfortunately Android and Google’s services are stopped on these phones, Huawei may not allow their customers to fall into unfulfilled ways.


They will definitely organize their new ecosystems to move on to the prevailing phones. That means that they will be able to provide the best service to the customers as they have announced. After all, if the current Huawei phone is available in the market, then it will be freely available for customers to think twice. He did not think of updating the phone software once in his life, but he would also think that if you buy Huawei phone then Gmail and YouTube will run it. So it is necessary to say that Huawei’s phone sales will be reduced if you think in these ways.

What Happens To Huawei?

Billion dollars questioned! Actually, Huawei CEO or President Trump can not answer this question automatically. But it is true that Huawei’s phone business will face serious damage if he does not get the license of the Android. Not only Android, Huawei phone processors and other parts are also being hit by the US banned.