The World’s Smallest 3D Printer


Suppose you bought a new shirt that you very liked. But after the second day, you saw a button of shirt opened. The desired button was not found in many stores but the desired button How would it if you can sit at home and create a new button?

3d Printer Works

A device called a 3D printer can help you do this. Your job is to print the necessary material and print it. According to the design, the printer will use to create the object. It took two and a half years to create the printer. ‘Kubit’ co-founder, Aria Najar, said, “If you can use a common printer, you can use ‘Kubit.” As a small in size, the printer can easily place in a laptop area. Usually, the 3D printers dissolve the plastic material and shape them according to the computer’s instructions. Not only on the computer, you can also work from a smartphone app in the printer.

For the method of creating autostereoscopic lenticular images, see the typography and holography of learning.


The 3D printing process that works with computers to control. 3D prototypes are rapid prototyping and used when creating a three-dimensional object.Objects can almost any shape or geometry and are usually produced using other digital data sources such as (AMF) files (usually sequential levels using digital model data as a 3D model file.

The Price

Technology Trend, Digital Trend, said in a report that a team of San Diego Innovation Center has invented a new 3D printer named Kubit. Which is small in size, easy to use and less expensive. Buying other 3D printers is very expensive.If the price is low, it can use for small work as well as small printers. The price of ‘Kubit’ has valued at the US $ 149.