Some Big Destiny 2 Gameplay Changes Discussed


Some Big Destiny 2 Gameplay Changes

Destiny 2 in the long-term, has not been a fantastic time. It might sound strange.  launch window. Destiny and endgame Destiny are two rather different experiences.

It’s one thing to provide the scale. narrative, level design, gear, grind, and refreshed PvP to keep things exciting for a month. Maintaining that excitement as a game transitions into the long-term hobby. phase over the following weeks.

with very specific requirements. And as time has gone on, Destiny 2 has proved rather lacking in delivering on them.

The details of how that promise will play out in the long-term are unknown.  Bungie did disclose a few of the specific additions they plan on introducing to Destiny 2 in the near future. This includes the implementation of a new weapon tier.

Furthermore, vendor rewards are receiving a much-needed upgrade.

Now, players will be able to purchase items with Legendary Shards and Tokens. Bungie is also adding new Armor Ornaments that are acquired via completing specific challenges.

As for the possible identity of the Huntress on the box art. the most popular community theory is that this is Ana Bray.  Clovis Bray, her family’s corporation, has a base on Mars and a mandate to investigate Golden Age tech. If indeed this is Ana Bray, it’ll be cool to meet another character with such import to Destiny’s lore. Let’s hope she’s better used than Osiris was.

Destiny 1’s second DLC, House of Wolves, was delayed from March to May, exacerbating complaints of its chronic content drought. Bungie doesn’t want those conversations to recur. A March release leaves Destiny 2 looking pretty barren through the summer, though, so we’re hoping Bungie have something else up their sleeve.